General observations on just about anything.
Many must be happy with the Obama Administration's performance
Published on March 7, 2010 By Nitro Cruiser In Politics

Just an observation.

The political blogs on JU were much more lively during the Bush years. After the 2008 election and throughout 2009 the volume of political banter has decreased dramatically as far as I can see. What exactly are the reasons for this?

1. Everything that is happening in this country today is just wonderful? I don't believe many feel this way, but you never know.

2. The majority of the JU left only engages when they don't have the White House or a majority in Congress? Many of the left here, both moderate and far, have virtually disappeared. Oh there are some, but mostly regulated to folks from outside the country (many of those pulling strongly for the newly diminished USA) and others that hide in their access restricted blogs (much easier to control the content that way... go free speech! LOL). Are they all content now? Or, as some claim, driven off by the evil conservatives on JU? That leads me to the next possibility.

3. Is JU is just inhospitable to left thinkers, liberals particularly? IMO there are maybe a dozen conservatives (if that) that post regularly on JU... a far cry from the opposition's views on say Huffington Post or the Daily Kos, and hardly an imposing force. Like any blog (that allows comment) one presents their idea/position on a particular subject then either defend their comment or ignore any directed responses. It all boils down to how far you are willing to "support" your beliefs and convictions, and if you can do so convincingly.

4. Could some be a little embarrassed about positions they once held in light of the present situations? Possibly. I believe this would apply mainly to Independents, some of which may feel they have been mislead. To them I would say, the past cannot be changed (as far as we know) so that does not invalidate what you have to say now. If anything you have better insight now than most.

5. It not polite to criticize a Democratic administration, or especially a black president? Satire has always favored the left, IMO. Cobert, Stewart, and a host of others made/make a good living off of it (where's the "Lil Obama" cartoon on Comedy Central?) Perhaps the left can't tolerate a joke at their own expense, it does appear that way. Then there is the fear of being labeled as a racist. Nobody that feels they aren't, like this term applied to them. The Democrats have used this quite effectively to stifle criticism at all levels, never mind the fact that the head of the RNC is black. Some may not voice legitimate policy concerns without invoking these accusations (i.e. Tea Party goers). Only so much room for compassion from the liberal, peace and love left I suppose. Racism is real, but quite far from the boogie man of the past. We've heard a lot about "fear" tactics" lately. I just hear hypocrisy.

6. Better Red than Dead? Some are quite please the direction the nation is (forcibly) headed for. Criticism of even small setbacks would impede the endgame. Much better to keep quiet.

7. Everything was just so much worse under Bush? No doubt some feel this way. From my perspective, things didn't start getting bad until 2007-2008, when the Dem's had control of Congress (remember Reid and Pelosi calling for retreat in Iraq {it was lost} and pushing for the stimulus spending packages {that now solely rests with Bush}). Seems everything just compounded since they now have a super-majority. Your mileage may vary. I did not care for the spending the republicans did, nor letting Feddie and Fanny take on toxic debt, just because they felt a need to throw Dem's a bone (see Barney Frank).

Now some issues are still being debated in depth, Global Warming comes to mind. Topic's about the war's, that many conservatives support and were the bane to the left, are suddenly silent now that "their" guy is running the show. In comparison, the bailouts started by Bush raised the ire of JU conservatives.

If I may use a quote from the film "Zombieland", "Nut up or shut up". It appears the left on JU has, for the most part, chosen the later.



on Mar 07, 2010

3. Is JU is just inhospitable to left thinkers, liberals particularly? IMO there are maybe a dozen conservatives (if that) that post regularly on JU... a far cry from the opposition's views on say Huffington Post or the Daily Kos, and hardly an imposing force. Like any blog (that allows comment) one presents their idea/position on a particular subject then either defend their comment or ignore any directed responses. It all boils down to how far you are willing to "support" your beliefs and convictions, and if you can do so convincingly.

I am sorry, but I left the forum for months after somebody told me that Obama destroyed the image of the US by claiming that:

"We were respected and feared, now we are a laughing stock"

Anybody who has the least memory of the Bush era about people taking the U.S. MORE seriously during his presidency's last 3 years.. well.. seriously, it made me doubt the posters' rationality.

Also, I haven't see a single call on the claims about the existence of the so-called "death comittees", which were 100% pulled out of a hat just to scare people. I see a polarisation of opinions in the U.S. where the two sides don't seem to live on the same reality. People on one side only believe what their own side tells them, whatever crappy lie that might be, and will call bullshit of the other side's arguments, whatever hard-coded truth they might be!

When I see threads on this forum about how Liberals have left Joe User, and the only comments I see are the conservatives of this blog tapping each others on the back for their "good sense", I simply have the feeling that many people here come merely to listen to their own echo, an approve with them. There is no debate, they is just shit-throwing occuring. No one is willing to admit that the other side might be in the right, and that is killing all interest in the debate.

Go to any fucking sport forum, you will see debate 1000nd, with people on both sides and loving what they do, but ready to admit their side sucks when it's the case. This is the sad state the U.S.'s politics are in: deaf by polarisation.

This freaking blog has not even commented on the rise in right-wing militas occuring in the U.S. at the moment, because they happen to be against Obama. Hey! Wasn't Oklahoma city one big an example about how these people are not a good contribution to your society? Organised peoples with guns is actually something that erodes the social tissue, you see them in Haiti, Algeria, Sudan, etc.. They NEVER have been a positive contribution to a society!

But since they are against OBAMA, oh well.. let's not talk about them.


darn, I'm getting too worked-up. I guess this last issue with the extremist just really enrages me. How can people even tolerate this?

on Mar 08, 2010

I am sorry, but I left the forum for months after somebody told me that Obama destroyed the image of the US by claiming that:

"We were respected and feared, now we are a laughing stock"

Hum, sounds like something I might say LOL, except I don't think everyone feared us with Bush (or needed to be). There are some countries I wish would have a little more fear, that didn't happen under Bush, and has even less of a chance now. And yes some are laughing. 

So what has Obama done for the US with his apologies? Besides Indonesia removing his statue from their park, losing the Olympics, and letting the greens down on climate change, he has done nothing for the US abroad. Oh sure many overseas love him, he cuts on his own country and they eat that up, but the only image he is selling is his own (Peace Prize). His problem is that the rest of the world didn't vote him in. He doesn't appear to be cognizant of that fact.

BTW no need for you to say sorry, it's hardly a Canadians fault in not providing support for Obama on JU, you don't have to live with his  weekly antics. I do find it semi-amusing that foreigners to the US are some of his biggest supporters, especially since many Americans could care less about politics abroad, even key allies. Of course the majority of Americans consider themselves conservative and probably think others should handle their own affairs, while many Europeans, for example, are liberals and socialists and belief everyone needs to listen to them. 

When I see threads on this forum about how Liberals have left Joe User, and the only comments I see are the conservatives of this blog tapping each others on the back for their "good sense", I simply have the feeling that many people here come merely to listen to their own echo, an approve with them. There is no debate...

Quite possible, but I ask that you look at question #3. If a person cannot support their position effectively it is their right to go away mad and take their ball with them. I haven't seen one conservative here suggest that a liberal cannot or should not write an article addressing their views or praising Obama's many accomplishments for that matter LOL. I could link you to some liberal blogs on JU were I or other right leaning members are not welcomed to participate. That's the authors choice of course, but it does reek of elitism, wouldn't you say?


This freaking blog has not even commented on the rise in right-wing militas occuring in the U.S. at the moment, because they happen to be against Obama.

Hum sounds like more of the "fear mongering" that the left has piled on the rights plate. Sorry, I'm just not seeing these armed militia's roaming the streets... have they started shooting liberals on sight yet? If the answer is no, feel free to point out the problem (other that people exercising their 2nd amendment rights, I know some people [more accurately, subjects] have trouble with that concept). Now if we want to discuss riots (with the associated casualties) demanding more social entitlements there is plenty to discuss. Are you willing to take odds on which has the larger body count?

on Mar 08, 2010

Oh man I just checked out your link... seems that some reporter in the UK is referring to the "Tea Party" as a 250% increase in militia groups!!!

Those granny's afraid of losing their years of hard work sure are dangerous!!! Nice head shot of Glen Beck BTW. They should know in the UK right? Good reference to support your "fears".

Here's some militia ring leaders. Careful, I think that guy is holding a "Canon"!

on Mar 09, 2010

Did we just lost 24 hours of posting?

on Mar 09, 2010

Looks like it and I was having so much fun debating with you.

on Mar 09, 2010

Looks like it and I was having so much fun debating with you.

Debating, or just tearing my arguments appart?

on Mar 09, 2010

Did we just lost 24 hours of posting?

Yup!  And since I was gone for 3 days, that is a dog year in my life.

basically I said I agreed with points 4-7 to some degree.  And I posted a link for Cykomyr where I pointed out that while he may not think the esteem of the US has gone down, a majority of Americans do (and they vote!).

on Mar 09, 2010

What a pity... I had a little bit of time invested in that socialist groups support of the March 4 Education protest. Stardock any backup?

on Mar 09, 2010

The Forum Gremlins haven't finished their work it appears.

on Mar 10, 2010

The Forum Gremlins haven't finished their work it appears.

It is an Obama plot!